When starting to play around with Azure Functions, the lack of dependency injection support was pretty annoying. To overcome that issue I created a small library, Autofac On Functions, based on Azure…
Category: <span>SOLID</span>
The other day a collegue of mine came to me, being pretty enthusiastic. He was amazed about his latest changes to the code. As I am the responsible architect, it…
We need to move people from time to time between products. It can be tough when you move from SSIS/ Sql/ SAP stuff to job-based Excel automation. How can we make a…
Last pull request I’ve opened was some kind of disappointing. When going through the code files, I detected a lot of… questions marks above my head. We do use pull…
Here we go again, need to employ a new guy that is hopefully very smart, intelligent, friendly, enthusiathic, creative, assertive, service-based… and yes, he should be capable of programming ;-). In…
As stated in The natural border of azure cloud queue scalability we experienced pretty relevant issues with Cloud Queues. We believed we solved the issues, though. As a result of too heavy…
Quite a while ago I was sitting together with another programmer to review the brand new sources. It was created as a prototype, a proof of concept. The original product has been rewritten…